Saturday, October 1, 2011


To tell the truth I start to think that I want to give up.... but ... im start to think back about what i have been promise myself how i would study so hard but i just not strong enough... this past few days i have been sick ... my normal sickness.... stomach pain.... well it has been long that i have been writing in this blog .... around july or august i guest i found a new friend she an indian girl... well shes kind and talkative.... and i like to chat with her... it make me feel happy.....back to the topic.... i think i should not give up ... i should gather piece by piece of all my courage and spirit back then..... and combine it to become a strong unwavering heart.....

"to give up on dream is easy"
"to reach and accomplish a dream is though"

Friday, June 10, 2011

New life....

there is this song that i just fondly fall in love with .... the tittle is confession,i must confess by ft island haha this song is really nice to heard to....... well it tell about how u feel like to confess or something like that...kkkk

Saturday, June 4, 2011

MSSM 2011

this is my last year of mssm and to day it officially end.... feel so sad and relief that i got gold for my last year of mssm kkkk well im going to miss everyone so i hope that i can see all of them in the future....

MSSM 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


hurm right now im studying physics .... seriously this subject really mash my brain haha..... hurm.... my heart feel so much distress haha hope it can feel calmer lol .... thee is not even 1day that i feel calm...... it like i dont now what happen to me anymore.... right now im heaing a song of bleach openning it call number one..... haha his song really make me smile like kera busuk already...... well this song is really good for someone hardcore like me haha so today i feel really lonely at my school like there is no soul for me to be there...... i always hope time running faster than usual when im at the school..... i always sit in the corner of space because i think people wont notice me...... tomorrow the school held a reception for the student who represent the school..... it 3pm i think i dont want to go because it so bored imagine me alone eating with people around me make joke bout me haaa haaa.... now i know people need to endure the bad feeling inside to have a better feeling haha now it just to late for me to do that......

Saturday, May 14, 2011


hurm ..... last week i got exam and my exam will finish in 2 week more so it really kind of annoying.... its really a longggggggggg time i have write in my blog... kkk.... so this is really awkward for me.... that day in my essay for bm paper i write bout KAY it a story about me but maybe in a short form...... i also write an esssay in my english paper ... its a bout my most memorable days and the ending is i packed my bag and continued with my life....

also last friday its friday 13 haha that just to much epic..... that day i got penyampaian bendera.... so i got to meet with my friend.... so happy but after the ceremony i need to wit for along almost 1 hour and 30 minutes so damn bored......

well i also got to know that ragbi is so lucky and can play at sabah....

ps;haha to empty heart

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hurm.... this past weeksss I got my SELF a very bad condition so it is really unhappy for my body
so I absence for a lot of week and days... Now I feel really empty in my heart it just feel like there is something inside me that lost something like my courage .... I've lost my courage to keep on fighting and I've lost my courage to catch my goal for the year ....
So this is very bad . I think that I need to remember back how and what I suppose to reach and done for my future and now because right now im a student so I need to gather all my courage back to achieve my goal and fulfill my duty as a form 5 student.....

"my determination has to be strong as a pillar"...

Monday, February 7, 2011


waa......TT-TT REALLY missing all my friend huhuu.........
well nothing can i say bout this new post ..... i x dtg skola today coz malas nk bagun
and i really feel like losing a heart arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The title must be weird right.... but it is what I want to tell about...
Right now my heart or my soul is just like hollow...
Well hollow have empty hole at the heart space right
So that is what I feel right now.....
hurm... just that in this few days i feel there is a hole in my heart....
like i cant feel it was there well this is really real and this what happening now

so just this i havent update my blog for awhile so just this for now....

Im Shrinking :P

Im Shrinking :P
B4 after pic 0_o