Saturday, May 14, 2011


hurm ..... last week i got exam and my exam will finish in 2 week more so it really kind of annoying.... its really a longggggggggg time i have write in my blog... kkk.... so this is really awkward for me.... that day in my essay for bm paper i write bout KAY it a story about me but maybe in a short form...... i also write an esssay in my english paper ... its a bout my most memorable days and the ending is i packed my bag and continued with my life....

also last friday its friday 13 haha that just to much epic..... that day i got penyampaian bendera.... so i got to meet with my friend.... so happy but after the ceremony i need to wit for along almost 1 hour and 30 minutes so damn bored......

well i also got to know that ragbi is so lucky and can play at sabah....

ps;haha to empty heart

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Im Shrinking :P

Im Shrinking :P
B4 after pic 0_o