Thursday, September 2, 2010

Holiday And Homework

so long that i had write my blog.this time i want to share my past few day . it was last friday i go to the ocm there is a venue about the president and penyampaian bendera. that is last friday and today is thursday there is khatam al-quran and i did not know how to read in jawi so there is some of my friend actually i think she quiet concern about me she teach me jawi and i a little bit move by that. hurm..... before that some of my classmate come to me and said after raya must come to school about two week full attendance well that quiet move me a bit lol...

after school i go to chungkok then go buka puasa with mummy and gary .

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Im Shrinking :P

Im Shrinking :P
B4 after pic 0_o