Saturday, August 7, 2010


it takes forever for me to write a new entries here. it really hard for me to take time to write in here. well tonight i still doesnt know what to write in here. well as always i like to express my feeling .that day i cry everything inside me when i hear my favourite song.
ONE WORD really decribed everything in my world. after that incidence i bought a new purse. but nothing can change my feeling toward my first purse that i buy with my own money. so everything is possible for me to forget it....
in NO OTHER way i really miss it..
well after many incident , i miss my mbskl tournament this year.n it really hurt me when i know it over that night. i dint think my mum wrong, but at least tell me... why it is hard right for wasnt it.
so now is august already, and i dint even accomplish a lot of my gol. well now i need to try bit by bit by bit to my gol . so until my gol achieve i gonna keep my heart strong so that i would never cry anymore.......

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Im Shrinking :P

Im Shrinking :P
B4 after pic 0_o